Thank you!

Dear friend,

It is with a deep sense of gratitude and respect that I reach out to you today. Throughout this incredible journey, I have been continually humbled, honored, and blessed by the unwavering support you have extended to me as we pursued a shared vision to wrestle Maryland and our great nation back to where we belong.

Together, we embarked on an exhaustive campaign, rallying patriots across Maryland—from Garrett to Somerset counties, and everywhere in between. After fervent prayer and deliberation with my family and team, I have made the difficult decision to withdraw from the race. This journey, which began four and a half months ago, has been a natural extension of my lifelong commitment to support and defend the Constitution of the United States and my burning passion to guide our state and nation to where we truly belong. I am not done in my pursuits of these worthy endeavors. In fact, to some extent, I’m just getting started.

As I crisscrossed Maryland, engaging in conversations with you, hearing your stories, and feeling the pulse of our communities, I have come to the conclusion that it is not yet my time. Instead, I believe it is Governor Larry Hogan’s time. Governor Hogan, a proven leader with a track record of bipartisan accomplishments, possesses the collaborative leadership style that Marylanders desperately need at this pivotal moment in our nation’s history.

Although I will not be a contender in the 2024 U.S. Senate race in Maryland, I know that conservatives have the answer to our nation’s needs, and I have incredible hope that we have a strong path to victory in November and beyond. Accordingly, I am announcing my full endorsement of Governor Larry Hogan for U.S. Senate. I am channeling my time, talent, energy, and passion into fully supporting his candidacy, and I strongly urge you to join me in doing so.

I want to express my heartfelt appreciation to each one of you who has supported me during this campaign. Your dedication, encouragement, and shared commitment to our foundational principles have been truly inspiring. It is my sincere hope that we will continue working together on this journey to positively impact Maryland and the United States of America.

I also want to extend my profound gratitude to the leaders and members of the Veterans for Teichert Coalition, Law Enforcement for Teichert Coalition, Faith Leaders Coalition, and Parents for Teichert Coalition. In addition, I was deeply honored and appreciative of each endorsement. Your support and collaboration have been instrumental in our efforts to address critical issues impacting real people who are looking for leaders with real solutions.

My commitment to serving with integrity, courage, and a collaborative-conservative leadership style remains steadfast. Together, we can spark a widespread revival of our foundational principles through leadership, not politics.

With my sincerest gratitude,

John Teichert

Brigadier General (ret)

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