Endorsements Rolling in for John Teichert Amid U.S. Senate Bid

BALTIMORE, Md. – The endorsements are rolling in as John Teichert, a retired Air Force Brigadier General, seeks the GOP nomination as a candidate for U.S. Senate. Today, Teichert is excited to announce that he’s received support in his race for Senate from State Senator Johnny Ray Salling from Baltimore County (District 06), Delegate Wayne Hartman from Worcester and Wicomico Counties (District 38C), and Delegate Matt Morgan from St. Mary’s County (District 29A).

Senator Salling shared why he chose to endorse John Teichert, stating, “It is my honor to endorse my friend and brother in Christ, General John Teichert. I believe that he is our only choice to make a difference in the U.S. Senate.”

Delegate Wayne Hartman was also enthusiastic in his endorsement of Teichert, stating, “Bold leadership coupled with genuine care and concern – General John Teichert brings the qualities we need in the U.S. Senate. I am confident that General Teichert is the best candidate to bring positive change to our great state.”

Meanwhile, Delegate Morgan said of Teichert in his endorsement, “Given our country’s staggering $33 trillion debt and our Southern border on fire, Maryland needs a U.S. Senator who understands the challenges we face, has a deep love for our nation, and has the determination to take action. General John Teichert is the ideal candidate for this crucial role, and I am happy to endorse his candidacy.”

The endorsements of Senator Salling, Delegate Hartman, and Delegate Morgan follow growing support for John Teichert’s candidacy, with the latest Duckpin article reporting that Teichert’s candidacy is rising among Maryland voters. As the election approaches, Teichert remains focused on representing the interests and issues of Marylanders across the state by promoting his compelling message of leadership, not politics.

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