Meet John
At age seventeen, Brigadier General John “Dragon” Teichert first raised his right hand and took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. He did so alongside another ROTC cadet, Melonie, who has been his wife for over 25 years. Now recently retired, John continues to passionately fulfill that oath as a candidate to represent the state of Maryland in the United States Senate.
Throughout his years of service at home and abroad, General Teichert witnessed the potency of our founding principles, and the ability to unleash them through service, leadership, and innovation. Now, he is taking that focus to the United States Senate to reignite the powerful promise of America.

Unleashing Maryland's Limitless Potential
John intends to help spark a widespread revival of American principles to open doors of opportunity for all Marylanders. He is running to secure the American Dream.
In the United States Senate, John will:
Equip our children with the tools they need to succeed in the real world while putting parents back in charge.
Take back control of our crime-ridden streets.
End strangling inflation, stifling taxes, and suffocating governmental overreach to unshackle Maryland’s citizens and businesses.
Stand up to China and reverse impotent leadership to reinforce America’s rightful place on the world stage.