Revive the Spirit of America

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  1. Karen on February 2, 2024 at 2:56 am

    Where do you stand on:
    Funding Ukraine
    The open border
    Sanctuary cities
    J6ers: would you fight to have them released. Epps who clearly instigated an act of insurrection received a slap on the wrist while many remain incarcerated for simply entering the Capital peacefully and others have been arrested for simply being in the vicinity. Not constitutional. Conservative Christians continue to be persecuted.
    Abortion: pro or anti
    Gun rights: pro or anti
    Illegals voting and receiving any special benefits at the cost of tax payers
    Securing our votes and returning to paper ballots and voter ids
    Crimes against children/humanity: penalty
    Accessing our natural resources, ex. Opening the pipelines
    Term limits: rid career politicians, ex. The Steny Hoyers, Nancy Pelosis etc who get rich on taxpayers dollars

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