John Teichert Launches ‘Veterans for Teichert Coalition’

This past week, retired Brigadier General John Teichert, candidate for U.S. Senate launched the ‘Veterans for Teichert’ coalition – the first coalition group of the campaign cycle!

The coalition is composed of two dozen veterans who served in the U.S. Military. They are eager for a real leader in Washington who understands their service, sacrifice, and fears as they see weakness abroad and ineffectiveness at home. These veterans firmly believe that General Teichert is the champion they have been waiting for.

“It is about time that a strong leader gets elected to serve in the U.S.Senate from Maryland,” Dale Hall, Chairman of the Veterans for Teichert Coalition said in a statement. “Throughout my career in the USMC, I witnessed what strong, selfless leadership looks like and how it can motivate and inspire a team. The first time I spoke with General Teichert I was impressed by his energy, passion and integrity. That’s why I am joining General Teichert and offering to lead our Veterans for Teichert Coalition. We’re orchestrating a movement—a Veterans Coalition that’s not just a campaign but a growing group of servicemen and women who are joining with General Teichert to advance leadership and integrity, not politics as usual in DC.”

In launching the coalition, Teichert sat down with eight veterans in person and a handful online for a coalition roundtable to discuss the issues that concern them the most heading into 2024.

The Veterans for John Teichert Coalition follows growing support for John Teichert’s candidacy for the U.S. Senate out of Maryland. As the election approaches, Teichert remains focused on representing the interests and issues of Marylanders across the state by promoting his compelling message of leadership, not politics.

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