ICYMI: MD Sheriff’s Join John Teichert For Law Enforcement Coalition Announcement

BALTIMORE, Md. – Brigadier General (ret) John Teichert rolled out his latest coalition in Westminster on Thursday afternoon with several of Maryland’s finest showing their support as part of the group.

Flanked by Sheriff Joe Gamble of Talbot county and Sheriff Matthew Crisafulli of Worcester county, Teichert shared his vision to support our law enforcement officials and clean up our streets as crime rages on.

“Unfortunately here in Maryland, and in many places around our country, our politicians, including my opponents, are saying just the opposite of that,” Teichert said during today’s press conference. “They’re saying to law enforcement, we don’t trust you, we don’t appreciate you and we won’t fully support you. And as a result, we see these pro criminal policies that ultimately degrade law and order in our communities and ignore the needs of the community and law abiding citizens.”

Sheriff Gamble expressed his support for the kind of leadership Teichert could bring to Washington, stating in part, “There’s just a total lack of leadership. He supports law enforcement. He understands our issues. We’ve talked a great length about those issues, the support for law enforcement, but more importantly, the support for public safety because that’s what we represent.”

Meanwhile, Sheriff Crisafulli noted there’s also the issue of the juvenile reform act, where children under 13 are not criminally responsible for their actions. “There is that caveat of children 10 to 12 that can be charged only with a crime of violence, and or a firearm related offense and what that has done to communities throughout this state. It has increased the juvenile crime rate, it has emboldened juveniles. and we need leadership like General John Teichert, at the United States level to get in and to get behind law enforcement officers. And as both gentlemen have indicated and get behind their families because their families also sacrifice, when their husbands and wives are out here on the front lines.”

As Teichert seeks to clean up our crime-ridden streets as our next U.S. Senator in Maryland, he does so with the support of the men and women in blue. The law enforcement coalition is the second coalition launch of his campaign following the veterans coalition.

See the first round of coalition members below:

  • Sheriff Joe Gamble, Talbot County
  • Sheriff Mike Lewis, Wicomico County
  • Sheriff Matthew Crisafulli, Worcester County
  • Sheriff James Phillips Jr., Dorchester County
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