Endorsements Continue Rolling in for Teichert for U.S. Senate

BALTIMORE, Md. – With endorsements pouring in from state senators, delegates, law enforcement, and more, retired Brigadier General and candidate for U.S. Senate John Teichert  is now adding Delegate Stu Schmidt of Anne Arundel County, Former State Senator Ed Reilly, and Delegate Todd Morgan of Calvert and St. Mary’s Counties to his list of supporters.

Delegate Stu Schmidt of District 33 shared why he’s supporting the 33-year veteran’s bid for the senate saying, “As a Maryland Delegate, I proudly support General John Teichert for U.S. Senate. A strong leader and dedicated resident of my district, John’s commitment to service for his country and community is unmatched. Endorsing General Teichert for U.S. Senate is an easy choice. Let’s send this proven leader to Washington for a better future for all of us.”

Former State Senator Ed Reilly was also eager to endorse the General, stating that he is “Proud to support General John Teichert for the U.S. Senate. His exceptional leadership, unyielding dedication, and shared American values resonates with all Marylanders. General Teichert is the authentic and driven leader we need at this critical time for our nation.”

These noteworthy endorsements are yet another example of Teichert’s growing strength in his Senate campaign. Teichert’s strong principles and policy stances serve as a reminder to Marylanders of why he is the only suitable candidate to represent his beloved state of Maryland in the U.S. Senate.

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  1. Jeanne Gelbert on January 10, 2024 at 8:14 pm

    Hello , I am curious as to which party you are running to represent. After reading your comments on your beliefs about the military’s role in the Mediterranean I am believing you are Republican as your views sound conservative. I can only concieve that you got my phone number to text your support requests from winred.com as I send substantial support frequently to Ron DeSantis for President . My only requirement for supporting you is that you publically announce your support for Ron DeSantis ! As a Naval veteran of Iraq, Afganistan and Previously at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba he has brought his legal expertise to his bid for the presidency unlike another candidate who has actually been served with subpeonas in 2 states and DC with 91 indictments. Weaponized DOJ ? Probably, but as a lame duck president he couldn’t possibly achieve what DeSantis can with the possibility of 8 years over 2 terms in 2024 and 2028. This is where your party affiliation comes in. My 2 Senators from Florida are in Washington ONLY to be career politicians who are there to hear inside info on stock and get as rich as possible as quickly as possible. That is what I am NOT INTERESTED IN SUPPORTING ‼️I refuse to send them any money, NOR do I support my Representative Vern Buchanan who is there only for that purpose. I am however, a practical person and I am aware that we have to retain our Republican majority in the House as well as to Win back the Senate. So where do you stand ? Republican ? Willing to publically come out in support of Ron DeSantis ? If so l’m willing to contribute to your campaign. Email me the notice if the support. I can’t vote for you as I am a resident of Florida, however I can present your appeal for support on Twitter ( now known as X) I am no big deal there as I only actively started quoting and reposting once Ron DeSantis announce his candidacy. Last time I checked I had about 1350 followers and follow 1600. They all post and repost, mostly supporting DeSantis for President, also supporting our Naval presence in the Mediterranean. You could easily find supporters and voters there. If you are not on Twitter ( X) I highly recommend it as persons of substance, honesty and intellect are there exchanging information on how & where we can best support Ron De Santis. We are also interested in supporting those who want to be Representatives and Senators from all the states, especially Veterans as they know how to lead, create teams to achieve objectives and to gain support from their constituents. A majority if Americans MISS the America they grew up in and WANT IT BACK ‼️Including SEALING OUR BORDERS, KILLING OFF THE DRUG CARTEL MEMBERS PRODUCING FENTANYL LESS THAN 15 miles from the border inside Mexico WITH INGREDIANTS PROVIDED BY CHINA ‼️We NEED A STRONG MILITARY WITH MEN WHO WANT TO PROTECT OUR NATION. NOT ONES WHO JOIN DUE TO THE PROMISE IF MEDICAL BENEFITS THAT WILL ALLOW THEN TO GET GENDER SWITCHING SURGERIES AT NO COST TO THEM. That is pure insanity ‼️💔🇺🇸❤️‍🩹Our nation has been torn apart by politicians who perpetuate lies designed to separate our races when the most important thing we can focus on is our identity as ❤️🇺🇸AMERICANS FIRST AND FOREMOST WHO LOVE OUR COUNTRY, OUR CONSTITUTION AND OUR FLAG AND ALL IT STANDS FOR. I look forward to hearing from you , Jeanne Gelbert [email protected]
    on twitter. jeanne_gelbert will look for you there

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